Who said that having a house is all fun and happiness ? Wait 'till you settled in a few days or maybe weeks later. You will feel that household chores never ends....you always have to do a lot of things..as if it never ends. But of course, it is fulfilling too, knowing that you are doing something for your house..a place you could call your own and your own investment in the long run.

Just look at my husband mawing the lawn for the first time in his life ! No matter how difficult nor big it is...he loves doing it because he was doing it for the beautification of his house ! Inspiring isn't it ?

Gabz chips in doing the chores too ! or rather making a mess out of it. She loves to go to the backyard, she sometimes even lie down in the grass !
Bottom line is...no matter how exhausting doing never ending chores, you still feel happy and inspired. Because it is your HOME !
1 comment:
Household chores are a never-ending story. But you're right, you do get a sense of fulfillment if you do something for your home sweet home.
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