Tuesday, July 14

Award time

Shydub of Simple Happy Life passed these awards to me. She seldom do it, but this time she did it in one batch ! Thanks a lot girl....appreciated it so much.

Adorable blog award - wow at least someone find my blog adorable !
Uplifting Blogger award - it is good to know that you wrote something worthwhile, that in a very simple way it affect other people. Hoping that my blog and comments will give inspiration to everyone or even give a smile.
Elite Blog Artist Award - still a novice in this blogging thing. Not an Elite yet, but thank you for giving me an inspiration to be one !

Here are the rules for the Adorable Blog Award:
1. Include the award logo in your blog or post.
2. Nominate as many blogs which you like.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award

Now, I pass this award to all my visitors. Please feel free to grab any of those awards or all of them ! You deserved it !

1 comment:

shydub said...

Napaka humble naman, elite ka na mel hehehe. Thanks for posting it though. oo nga ang dami kung pwedi lang sa dalhin sa pawnshop prenda natin lol. Hows the prego and your baby nga pala? wala na ang spotting? just take it easy and take care for your baby and yourself.