Today, is Gabz first day in school together with her BFF, Danica and Jericha. They started on lunch when they arrived in school and after that it's other activities. She is excited to go to school. While driving, she keep on asking me, "Mommy, are we almost there?"

This is their classroom and Teacher Gail standing behind the panel.

Gabz concentrating on whatever it is she is doing, with the twins busy playing the sand.
I was not able to pick her up though, as Maricel volunteered to pick up the kids. I was not able to asked her teacher, how she did on her first day. Starting tomorrow, I will be the chauffeur of these kids (3) (that, if I did not deliver yet).
They look so serious and interested in what they are doing .
It reminds me of when my kids were in school and that small :)
How come first day in school sounds so late? Which part of the country do you live my friend?;-)
awww..they grow up so fast no? one minute their in your arms and the next thing you know, they're so independent na! time flies so fast tlaga. hay :)
missed you ah :D
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