Wednesday, January 28

A Letter to my daughter

To my dearest anak,

Happy happy birthday Gabz !!! I'm always surprised how time fly so fast. It has been three years now since I went to labor for almost 15 hours just to help you see this world. It has been three years now since the first time I hold you in my arm. It felt like only yesterday since you give us your first sweet smile. Now your three, but still sweet, adorable and sometimes naughty ! But no matter, I would always love you. You would always be my baby no matter how old you are. I would give up everything just to see you grow up and be a good person. You lift up my mood with your thoughtfulness, and your hugs and kisses give me strenght. In your most simple ways you gave me so much more. Anak, I wish I would be able to give you more. I may be harsh to you at times, but it does not mean I don't love you. I wanted to instill in you the good values that I have learned from your lola and lolo. I hope those values will guide you as you grow up and face the challenges of this world. Thank you for being a good daughter to mommy and daddy and for the joy and happiness you brought in our life.

I love you so much anak. Always remember that Mommy will always be here for you.



Anonymous said...

:) someday soon when she gets old, and read this letter, she will be overwhelmed with you love.

God bless..

you are a one great mother..

Take care..

eva said...

hi melanie thanks for the add.

your "anak" is your greatest gift. and the feelings you experience from her is priceless. always cherish the moments you have with your daughter. you're a great mom.

take care

eva said...

by the way got award for you.